An Esthetic Minimal Invasive Rehabilitation Performed with a Fully Digital Workflow
An exploration into a successful prosthetic outcome through the opening of a patient’s vertical dimension and an "esthetic wax-up".

Dr. Saratti demonstrates how he helped a 42-year-old patient that was unhappy with the aesthetics of his smile while also experiencing painful tooth sensitivity. He’ll show you the steps that led him to the decision to open the patient’s vertical dimension and how he used digital data capture and design to make the workflow straightforward and achieve a minimally invasive, esthetic outcome.
You’ll learn:
- How Dr. Saratti planned and executed the opening of his patient’s vertical dimension
- How he digitally designed restorations for VDO augmentation
- How he guided the preparations of the crowns and validated the esthetic rehabilitation through an "esthetic wax-up"

Dr. Carlo Massimo Saratti
- Diploma of Doctor of Dental Medicine — University of Florence, Italy (2011).
- Master of Advanced Studies in Microinvasive Aesthetic Dentistry - University of Geneva (2014–2016).
- Dental research activity on fiber reinforces composites, the topic of his Doctoral Thesis obtained in 2016 under the supervision of Professor Ivo Krejci.
Since September 2016, he has been a senior assistant in the Division of Cariology and Endodontics at the University of Geneva, actually directed by Professor Julian Leprince. He is the Coordinator of the post-graduate program MAS of Microinvasive Aesthetic Dentistry at the same University. Dr. Saratti is also involved in researching dental materials for restorative dentistry. On this subject, he has published several articles in international scientific journals. Alongside his activities at the University of Geneva, he works in the private practice at the Geneva Smile Center as a specialist in esthetic adhesive restorations for single-tooth and full-mouth rehabilitations with conventional approaches and digital devices.