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DEXIS OP 2D Brochure.pdf
DEXIS OP 2D Brochure.pdf
DEXIS IOS Solutions IS ScanFlow v1.0.9 Product News
This product news provided an overview of the latest enhancements in DEXIS IS ScanFlow v1.0.9
Dexis IS ScanFlow – 1.0.8 Product News
Dexis IS ScanFlow – 1.0.8 Product News
Dexis IS ScanFlow – 1.0.8 Product News
Dexis IS ScanFlow – 1.0.8 Product News
Dexis IS ScanFlow – 1.0.8 Product News
DEXIS IS ScanFlow - 1.0.10 Product News
This product news provides an overview of the latest enhancements in DEXIS IS ScanFlow v1.0.10.
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP 2D - Spare Part Catalogue
Spare part catalog for OP 2D family devices.
Also for OP30, OP30-2 and PAN EXAM
DEXIS IS ScanFlow Link 1.0.0
The DEXIS ScanFlow Link software integrates the DEXIS 10 application with the DEXIS IOS ScanFlow application and the DEXIS Intraoral Scanner (IS) device. The DEXIS IS device acquires intraoral 3D scans used in creating a treatment plan. The DEXIS ScanFlow Link 1.0.0 is the initial release of the application.