DEXassist Solution

Built into DEXIS™ software, the DEXassist solution provides AI with a single click.
This solution enables users to identify up to six dental findings on 2D x-ray images.

The DEXassist solution integrates AI features from DTX Studio™ Clinic into DEXIS 10 Imaging Suite Software.



Periapical Radiolucency

Root Canal Filling Deficiency

Discrepancy at margin of existing restoration

Bone Loss


See what your peers are saying

DEXassist Solution, a 2D AI Dental findings tool that automatically identifies and labels six common dental findings like caries, calculus and bone loss, is one of those products my office can’t live without now. Evaluating radiographs with AI and highlighting potential clinical problems has added a new level of comfort for both me and my patients.”

— Dr. Kenneth S. Magid, USA

Dr. Kenneth S. Magid, DDS, FICD

Explore the AI technology in DEXIS.

DX01146 Rev D