DEXIS Download Center

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DEXIS Invivo Integration
DEXPAN-OP300 is a DEXIS module that that allows DEXIS to launch a CT scan into Invivo. Works with KaVo OP3D, KaVo OP3D PRO, and OP300. DEXview3D is a required patch when using Dexis and Invivo v6. It is required after installing the DEXPAN-OP300 module. Readme.txt included.
Invivo Dental 5.4.6 Installer
InVivo Dental 5.3.5 Installer
2024-11 3D Reconstruction PC Lifecycle
Various Dell Precision Workstations have been supplied as 3D Reconstruction PC’s over time. The
workstations come pre-installed with Windows 10 IoT Enterprise with an extended support lifecycle. The
support lifecycle of the workstation is driven by the Microsoft Windows Lifecycle.
InVivo Dental Viewer 5.2 - Windows
For viewing/opening *.inv files.