DEXIS blog

Read up on the latest dental industry trends and news from DEXIS.

Staying up to date on the latest news and trends in digital dentistry can be challenging. Here you'll find articles to help you stay informed & up to date.

DEXIS CBCT: Long-term Reliability Backed by a 10-Year Warranty

Investing in a CBCT device is a significant decision for any dental practice, as these advanced imaging systems are crucial for accurate diagnostics and treatment planning. At DEXIS, we understand the importance of this investment and provide a 5-year factory warranty as standard to ensure a solid foundation of security. However, we also offer an additional 5 years of coverage, extending our comprehensive warranty up to 10 years.

Dec 05, 2024

3 new products to help grow your treatment offering the right way

It’s never been a more exciting time to be a general practitioner, as a growing number of dental practices expand the services they offer to their patients. According to American Dental Association (ADA) research, approximately 70% to 90% of general dentists perform at least some endodontic procedures in their practices.

Nov 05, 2024

IS 3800W receives high praise in Peer to Peer Product Review

From “patients love the technology,” to “an accurate scan on the first try,” to “it has made our lives so much better,” doctors were highly vocal in their praise of the DEXIS™ IS 3800W in a recent Dental Product Shopper Report.

Nov 04, 2024

5 Reasons You Need an OP 3D EX

Revolutionizing Patient Care: The Role of DEXIS OP 3D™ EX in Modern General Practices
A growing number of today’s general practices are expanding their services to offer patients a wider and more complex range of care. Providing these services in-house, rather than referring patients to outside specialists, has become an effective growth strategy as well as a powerful way for general practices to differentiate themselves.

Nov 04, 2024

60 Years of Innovation

Long Story Short: 60 Years of Innovations.
Celebrate our 60-year anniversary with us and explore our legacy of extraoral imaging technology.

Apr 23, 2024

DEXIS Drives Dental Imaging Innovation with Introduction of AI-Powered Implant Ecosystem

DEXIS™ announces a new advancement in implant dentistry workflows with the DEXIS digital ecosystem: an interconnected, AI-powered platform for digital implants—combining cutting-edge CBCT, intraoral scanning, diagnostics, and treatment planning. The ecosystem is designed to empower clinicians to manage each step of an implant case, from diagnosis to delivery, with one integrated tool set.

Feb 15, 2024

Dental suffragettes in Europe

Women's right to study scientific and medical fields, including dentistry, is now an accepted norm. In Finland today, for instance, women make up 75% of all dentists. However, this wasn't always the case. Women had to fight for their right to work in dentistry, much like they did for voting rights. These women, sometimes called "dental suffragettes," fought tirelessly to be recognized in this esteemed profession.
However, the involvement of women in dentistry dates back to ancient times.

Feb 09, 2024
Dentist using an intraoral scanner to capture a patient’s digital impression

How to Choose the Right Intraoral Scanner to Advance Your Dental Practice

Intraoral scanners have completely transformed modern dental practices in recent years. But while a practice might find the decision to purchase an intraoral scanner to be a straightforward one, the decision around which intraoral scanner to choose can feel considerably more complicated.

Sep 01, 2023
Wired or Wireless intraoral scanner?

Wireless or Wired - Which Intraoral Scanner is Right for My Practice?

Choosing the right intraoral scanner for your dental practice can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to deciding between wireless and wired models. While wired intraoral scanners have been the industry standard for decades, wireless technology has improved considerably in recent years.

Aug 28, 2023