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DEXIS Focus - The Intraoral X-ray of Choice
The DEXIS FOCUS leverages the vast knowledge and numerous success of both the Gendex and INSTRUMENTARIUM design and engineering teams into the development of one remarkable product under the trusted DEXIS name.
DEXIS™ Scan eXam™ One
DEXIS™ Scan eXam™ One
DEXIS™ Scan eXam™ One
DEXIS™ Scan eXam™ One
DEXIS™ Scan eXam™ One
DEXIS™ Scan eXam™ One
2024-12 DTX Studio™ Core support for CLINIVIEW-SCANORA
General availability of CLINIVIEW/SCANORA software ended on 29th of December, 2023. The next major
release of DTX Studio Core 4.0 will remove support for CLINIVIEW/SCANORA