DEXIS Download Center

User Manuals, Technical Guides and Installation Manuals are 
available at

For brochures & software use the search below.

The i-CAT Story Brochure
i-CAT FLX Series - Envision a future of freedom
DEXcapture 2.3.0 - CariVu Software Module
CLINIVIEW™ 11 and SCANORA™ 6 platform discontinuation and FAQ
As we continue our journey with DTX Studio™ suite, we are announcing the end of general availability
for CLINIVIEW™ 11 and SCANORA™ 6 software products with a last-time-buy date of December 29th
2023. This announcement covers both the main CLINIVIEW™ and SCANORA™ software products as
well as the accessory CLINIVIEW™ Mobile and SCANORA™ Mobile applications which are available in
limited markets through the Apple App Store.
2024-15 Database Migration 2.4 release
Database Migration 2.4 has been released including updates, improvements and fixes. This release replaces the previous release.