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Manuali utente, guide tecniche e manuali di installazione sono disponibile su elabeling.dexis.com

Per brochure e software utilizzare la funzione di ricerca qui sotto.

DX00304 RevC DEXIS OP 3D Pan-Ceph Brochure
DEXIS OP 2D Brochure.pdf
DEXIS OP 2D Brochure.pdf
DEXIS NOMAD Pro 2 Brochure
DEXIS NOMAD Pro 2 Handheld X-ray system
The i-CAT Story Brochure
i-CAT FLX Series - Envision a future of freedom
DEXIS Extraoral Imaging Service Coverage
DEXIS is dedicated to providing dependable and efficient support and services to keep your extraoral imaging systems in optimum working condition.
DEXIS IXS Brochure
The DEXIS IXS sensors are designed to address common digital sensor challenges.
DEXIS Focus - The Intraoral X-ray of Choice
The DEXIS FOCUS leverages the vast knowledge and numerous success of both the Gendex and INSTRUMENTARIUM design and engineering teams into the development of one remarkable product under the trusted DEXIS name.
DEXIS FOCUS x-ray generator technology ensures safe exposure and repeatable image quality.
DEXIS IXS Digital Sensor
If you like your Gendex GXS-700m then you will love DEXIS IXS sensors
DEXIS NOMAD Dr.LisaJacob - Brochure