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DX00304 RevC DEXIS OP 3D Pan-Ceph Brochure
Formerly we have manufactured ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH™ OP 3D, as well as it’s accessories and consumables under the KaVo brand name, we have only changed the brand name to DEXIS™.
Devices, accessories and consumables are identical regardless the brand, so there is no change in the quality, form, fit or function of the products we provide.
Also, the original terms of all warranties remain unchanged.
CLINIVIEW™ 11 and SCANORA™ 6 platform discontinuation and FAQ
As we continue our journey with DTX Studio™ suite, we are announcing the end of general availability
for CLINIVIEW™ 11 and SCANORA™ 6 software products with a last-time-buy date of December 29th
2023. This announcement covers both the main CLINIVIEW™ and SCANORA™ software products as
well as the accessory CLINIVIEW™ Mobile and SCANORA™ Mobile applications which are available in
limited markets through the Apple App Store.
2024-11 3D Reconstruction PC Lifecycle
Various Dell Precision Workstations have been supplied as 3D Reconstruction PC’s over time. The
workstations come pre-installed with Windows 10 IoT Enterprise with an extended support lifecycle. The
support lifecycle of the workstation is driven by the Microsoft Windows Lifecycle.
2024-12 DTX Studio™ Core support for CLINIVIEW-SCANORA
General availability of CLINIVIEW/SCANORA software ended on 29th of December, 2023. The next major
release of DTX Studio Core 4.0 will remove support for CLINIVIEW/SCANORA
TxSTUDIO 6.0.3 Installer
DEXIS Invivo Integration
DEXPAN-OP300 is a DEXIS module that that allows DEXIS to launch a CT scan into Invivo. Works with KaVo OP3D, KaVo OP3D PRO, and OP300. DEXview3D is a required patch when using Dexis and Invivo v6. It is required after installing the DEXPAN-OP300 module. Readme.txt included.
2024-15 Database Migration 2.4 release
Database Migration 2.4 has been released including updates, improvements and fixes. This release replaces the previous release.
2024-02 CLINIVIEW 11 and SCANORA 6 end of extended availability
CLINIVIEW™ 11 and SCANORA™ 6 software products were removed from general availability on December 29th 2023. We are approaching the end of the extended availability period, May 23rd 2024.