Сentre de téléchargement

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GxPicture (Web Installer)
Latest version of GxPicture software updated via Web Installer.
DEXcapture 2.3.0 - CariVu Software Module
GxPicture 3.8.1
Universal Driver for Gendex imaging equipment. Includes support for DEXIS Platinum, GXS-700 Size 1, GXS-700 Size 2 (Including KaVo versions), and DEXcam 4 HD.
Invivo Dental 5.4.6 Installer
InVivo Dental 5.3.5 Installer
InVivo 5.4.5 US Installer
Invivo Dental 5.3.3 US Installer
InVivo Dental Viewer 5.2 - Windows
For viewing/opening *.inv files.
Invivo Dental 5.3.4 Installer
Invivo Dental 5.3.4 Installer