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DEXIS Focus - The Intraoral X-ray of Choice
The DEXIS FOCUS leverages the vast knowledge and numerous success of both the Gendex and INSTRUMENTARIUM design and engineering teams into the development of one remarkable product under the trusted DEXIS name.
DEXIS IOS Solutions IS ScanFlow v1.0.9 Product News
This product news provided an overview of the latest enhancements in DEXIS IS ScanFlow v1.0.9
DEXIS Intraoral Imaging Matrix - Flyer
guide to the comprehensive intraoral imaging software solutions
Dexis IS ScanFlow – 1.0.8 Product News
Dexis IS ScanFlow – 1.0.8 Product News
Dexis IS ScanFlow – 1.0.8 Product News
Dexis IS ScanFlow – 1.0.8 Product News
Dexis IS ScanFlow – 1.0.8 Product News
DEXIS IS ScanFlow - 1.0.10 Product News
This product news provides an overview of the latest enhancements in DEXIS IS ScanFlow v1.0.10.
ORTHOPANTOMOGRAPH OP 2D - Spare Part Catalogue
Spare part catalog for OP 2D family devices.
Also for OP30, OP30-2 and PAN EXAM